ELA.EE.W.6.2.a Introduce a topic and write to convey ideas and information about it including visual, tactual, or multimedia information as appropriate. (pdf)
ELA.EE.W.6.2.b Provide facts, details, or other information related to the topic. (pdf)
M.EE.6.RP.1 Demonstrate a simple ratio relationship. (pdf)
M.EE.6.NS.1 Compare the relationships between two unit fractions. (pdf)
M.EE.6.NS.5-8 Understand that positive and negative numbers are used together to describe quantities having opposite directions or values (e.g., temperature above/below zero). (pdf)
M.EE.6.NS.2 Apply the concept of fair share and equal shares to divide. (pdf)
M.EE.6.NS.3 Solve two-factor multiplication problems with products up to 50 using concrete objects and/or a calculator. (pdf)
M.EE.6.G.1 Solve real-world and mathematical problems about area using unit squares. (pdf)
M.EE.6.G.2 Solve real-world and mathematical problems about volume using unit cubes. (pdf)
M.EE.6.SP.5 Summarize data distributions shown in graphs or tables. (pdf)
M.EE.6.EE.1-2 Identify equivalent number sentences. (pdf)
M.EE.6.EE.3 Apply the properties of addition to identify equivalent numerical expressions. (pdf)
M.EE.6.EE.5-7 Match an equation to a real-world problem in which variables are used to represent numbers. (pdf)
All grade 7 English Language Arts EEs in one file (pdf)
All grade 7 Mathematics EEs in one file (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.7.5 Determine how a fact, step, or event fits into the overall structure of the text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.7.1 Analyze text to identify where information is explicitly stated and where inferences must be drawn. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.7.2 Identify events in a text that are related to the theme or central idea. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.7.4 Determine the meaning of simple idioms and figures of speech as they are used in a text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.7.1 Analyze text to identify where information is explicitly stated and where inferences must be drawn. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.7.2 Determine two or more central ideas in a text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.7.4 Determine how words or phrases are used to persuade or inform a text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.7.6 Determine an author’s purpose or point of view. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.7.8 Determine how a claim or reason fits into the overall structure of an informational text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.7.3 Determine how two or more story elements are related. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.7.5 Compare the structure of two or more texts (e.g., stories, poems, or dramas). (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.7.3 Determine how two individuals, events or ideas in a text are related. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.7.9 Compare and contrast how different texts on the same topic present the details. (pdf)
ELA.EE.L.7.2.a Use end punctuation when writing a sentence or question. (pdf)
ELA.EE.L.7.2.b Spell words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of letter-sound relationships and/or common spelling patterns. (pdf)