All grade 4 English Language Arts EEs in one file (pdf)
All grade 4 Mathematics EEs in one file (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.4.1 Use details from the text to recount what the text says. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.4.3 Use details from the text to describe characters in the story. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.4.5 Identify elements that are characteristic of stories. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.4.1 Identify explicit details in an informational text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.4.2 Identify the main idea of a text when it is explicitly stated. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.4.3 Identify an explicit detail that is related to an individual, event or idea in a historical, scientific, or technical text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.4.5 Identify elements that are characteristic of informational texts. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.4.2 Identify the theme or central idea of a familiar story, drama or poem. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.4.4 Determine the meaning of words in a text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.4.6 Identify the narrator of a story. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.4.4 Determine meaning of words in text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.4.8 Identify one or more reasons supporting a specific point in an informational text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.L.4.5.c Demonstrate an understanding of opposites. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.4.9 Compare details presented in two texts on the same topic. (pdf)
ELA.EE.L.4.2.a Capitalize the first word in a sentence. (pdf)
ELA.EE.L.4.2.d Spell words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of letter-sound relationships, and/or common spelling patterns. (pdf)
ELA.EE.W.4.2.b List words, facts, or details related to the topic. (pdf)
M.EE.4.NF.1-2 Identify models of one half (1/2) and one fourth (1/4). (pdf)
M.EE.4.NF.3 Differentiate between whole and half. (pdf)
M.EE.4.NBT.2 Compare whole numbers to 10 using symbols (<, >, =). (pdf)
M.EE.4.NBT.3 Round any whole number 0-30 to the nearest ten. (pdf)
M.EE.4.NBT.4 Add and subtract two-digit whole numbers. (pdf)
M.EE.4.G.1 Recognize parallel lines and intersecting lines. (pdf)
M.EE.4.MD.5 Recognize angles in geometric shapes. (pdf)
M.EE.4.MD.6 Identify angles as larger and smaller. (pdf)
M.EE.4.MD.3 Determine the area of a square or rectangle by counting units of measure (unit squares). (pdf)
M.EE.4.MD.2.a Tell time using a digital clock. Tell time to the nearest hour using an analog clock. (pdf)
M.EE.4.MD.2.b Measure mass or volume using standard tools. (pdf)