Accessibility Manual (pdf) 07/01/2024
provides guidance on the selection and use of accessibility features
North Dakota

Instructionally Embedded
2024-25 Testing Windows
Fall: 09/30/24–12/13/24
Spring: 02/03/25–05/02/25
Testing Subjects
English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science
Maggie Williams, Special Education
Michelle Woodcock, Special Education
Assessment Coordinator Manual for Instructionally Embedded Model States (pdf) 07/01/2024
supports district and building staff to prepare for and monitor assessments
Blueprint English Language Arts for Instructionally Embedded Model States (pdf)
pool of available Essential Elements (EEs) and the requirements for coverage within each conceptual area
Blueprint Mathematics for Instructionally Embedded Model States (pdf) 11/15/2022
pool of available Essential Elements (EEs) and the requirements for coverage within each conceptual area
Blueprint Science Phase I – General (pdf)
range of science Essential Elements (EEs) assessed
Complete List of Essential Elements for English Language Arts (pdf)
comprehensive list of all ELA Essential Elements currently part of the DLM learning map model
Complete List of Essential Elements for Mathematics (pdf)
comprehensive list of all Mathematics Essential Elements currently part of the DLM learning map model
Currently Tested Essential Elements for English Language Arts
these PDFs provide the nodes at each linkage level and a mini-map showing the pathways between the nodes
Currently Tested Essential Elements for Mathematics
lists of PDFs for each Mathematics Essential Element available for assessment. These PDFs provide the nodes at each linkage level and a mini-map showing the pathways between the nodes
Currently Tested Essential Elements for Science
lists of PDFs for each Science Essential Element available for assessment. These PDFs provide the nodes at each linkage level and a mini-map showing the pathways between the nodes
Data Management Manual (pdf) 08/06/2024
supports data managers with managing user, student, and roster data in Educator Portal
Development of DLM Essential Elements for Science (pdf)
a short description of how Essential Elements in Science were developed
District Staff Video Resources for Instructionally Embedded Model States
resources designed for district users, including Educator Portal how-to videos and role-specific training videos
DLM Familiar Texts for English Language Arts
resources and source books to assist in teaching students to comprehend text through listening or reading
Required Test Administrator Training
The 2024-2025 training will become available via the Training tab in Educator Portal according to your state's scheduled training date. Refer to the Guide to DLM Required Test Administrator Training for instructions on accessing and completing the training. Facilitators should refer to the Facilitator Guide to DLM Required Test Administrator Training.