SCI.EE.MS.LS1-3 Make a claim about how a structure (e.g., organs and organ systems) and its related function supports survival of animals (circulatory, digestive, and respiratory systems). (pdf)
SCI.EE.MS.LS1-5 Interpret data to show that environmental resources (e.g., food, light, space, water) influence growth of organisms (e.g., drought decreasing plant growth, fertilizer increasing plant growth, different varieties of plant seeds growing at different rates in different conditions, fish growing larger in large ponds than small ponds). (pdf)
SCI.EE.MS.LS2-2 Use models of food chains/webs to identify producers and consumers in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. (pdf)
SCI.EE.MS.ESS2-2 Explain how geoscience processes that occur daily (e.g.,wind, rain, runoff) slowly change the surface of Earth, while catastrophic events (e.g., earthquakes, tornadoes, floods) can quickly change the surface of Earth. (pdf)
SCI.EE.MS.ESS2-6 Interpret basic weather information (e.g., radar, map) to make predictions about future conditions (e.g., precipitation, temperature, wind). (pdf)
SCI.EE.MS.ESS3-3 Develop a plan to monitor and minimize a human impact on the local environment (e.g., water, land, pollution). (pdf)
All middle school Science grade band EEs in one file (pdf)