M.EE.4.MD.2.d Identify coins (penny, nickel, dime, quarter) and their values. (pdf)
M.EE.4.MD.4.b Interpret data from a picture or bar graph. (pdf)
M.EE.4.OA.1-2 Demonstrate the connection between repeated addition and multiplication. (pdf)
M.EE.4.OA.3 Solve one-step real-world problems using addition or subtraction within 100. (pdf)
M.EE.4.OA.5 Use repeating patterns to make predictions. (pdf)
All grade 5 English Language Arts EEs in one file (pdf)
All grade 5 Mathematics EEs in one file (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.5.1 Identify words in the text to answer a question about explicit information. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.5.1 Identify words in the text to answer a question about explicit information. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.5.5 Determine if a text tells about events, gives directions, or provides information on a topic. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.5.7 Locate information in print or digital sources. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.5.2 Identify the central idea or theme of a story, drama or poem. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.5.4 Determine the intended meaning of multi-meaning words in a text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.5.6 Determine the point of view of the narrator. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.5.2 Identify the main idea of a text when it is not explicitly stated. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.5.4 Determine the meanings of domain-specific words and phrases. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.5.8 Identify the relationship between a specific point and supporting reasons in an informational text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.L.5.4.a Use sentence level context to determine which word is missing from a content area text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.L.5.5.c Demonstrate understanding of words that have similar meanings. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.5.3 Compare two characters in a familiar story. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.5.5 Identify story element that undergoes change from beginning to end. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.5.9 Compare stories, myths, or texts with similar topics or themes. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.5.3 Compare two individuals, events or ideas in a text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.5.9 Compare and contrast details gained from two texts on the same topic. (pdf)
ELA.EE.W.5.2.b Provide facts, details, or other information related to the topic. (pdf)
ELA.EE.W.5.2.a Introduce a topic and write to convey information about it including visual, tactual, or multimedia information as appropriate. (pdf)
M.EE.5.NF.1 Identify models of halves (1/2, 2/2) and fourths (1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4). (pdf)
M.EE.5.NF.2 Identify models of thirds (1/3, 2/3, 3/3) and tenths (1/10, 2/10, 3/10, 4/10, 5/10, 6/10, 7/10, 8/10, 9/10, 10/10). (pdf)
M.EE.5.NBT.1 Compare numbers up to 99 using base ten models. (pdf)
M.EE.5.NBT.3 Compare whole numbers up to 100 using symbols (<, >, =). (pdf)