M.EE.HS.A.REI.10-12 Interpret the meaning of a point on the graph of a line. For example, on a graph of pizza purchases, trace the graph to a point and tell the number of pizzas purchased and the total cost of the pizzas. (pdf)
M.EE.HS.F.BF.1 Select the appropriate graphical representation (first quadrant) given a situation involving constant rate of change. (pdf)
M.EE.HS.N.RN.1 Determine the value of a quantity that is squared or cubed. (pdf)
M.EE.HS.S.IC.1-2 Determine the likelihood of an event occurring when the outcomes are equally likely to occur. (pdf)
M.EE.HS.G.CO.6-8 Identify corresponding congruent and similar parts of shapes. (pdf)
M.EE.HS.S.ID.3 Interpret general trends on a graph or chart. (pdf)
M.EE.HS.A.SSE.4 Determine the successive term in a geometric sequence given the common ratio. (pdf)
M.EE.HS.F.BF.2 Determine an arithmetic sequence with whole numbers when provided a recursive rule. (pdf)
M.EE.HS.F.IF.1-3 Use the concept of function to solve problems. (pdf)
M.EE.HS.F.IF.4-6 Construct graphs that represent linear functions with different rates of change and interpret which is faster/slower, higher/lower, etc. (pdf)
M.EE.HS.F.LE.1-3 Model a simple linear function such as y=mx to show that these functions increase by equal amounts over equal intervals. (pdf)
SCI.EE.HS.PS1-2 Make a claim supported by evidence to explain patterns of chemical properties that occur in a substance during a common chemical reaction (e.g., baking soda and vinegar). (pdf)
SCI.EE.HS.PS2-3 Evaluate the effectiveness of safety devices and design a solution that could minimize the force of a collision. (pdf)
SCI.EE.HS.PS3-4 Investigate and predict the temperatures of two liquids before and after combining to show uniform energy distribution. (pdf)
SCI.EE.HS.LS1-1 Explain how different organs of the body carry out essential functions of life. (pdf)
SCI.EE.HS.LS1-2 Use a model to illustrate the organization and interaction of major organs into systems (e.g., circulatory, respiratory, digestive, sensory) in the body to provide specific functions. (pdf)
SCI.EE.HS.LS1-3 Collect data from an investigation to show how different organisms react to changes (e.g., heart rate increases with exercise, pupils react to light). (pdf)
SCI.EE.HS.LS1-4 Use a model to illustrate how growth occurs when cells multiply. (pdf)
SCI.EE.HS.LS2-1 Use a graphical representation to explain changes over time in the population size of an animal species (e.g., currently on the endangered list). (pdf)
SCI.EE.HS.LS2-2 Use a graphical representation to explain the dependence of an animal population on other organisms for food and their environment for shelter. (pdf)
SCI.EE.HS.LS3-2 Defend why reproduction may or may not result in offspring with different traits. (pdf)
SCI.EE.HS.LS4-2 Explain how the traits of particular species allow them to survive in their specific environments. (pdf)
SCI.EE.HS.LS4-3 Interpret data sets to identify an advantageous heritable trait. (pdf)
SCI.EE.HS.LS4-6 Evaluate a strategy to protect a species. (pdf)
SCI.EE.HS.ESS1-4 Use a model of Earth and the Sun to show how Earth's tilt and orbit around the Sun cause changes in seasons. (pdf)
SCI.EE.HS.ESS3-2 Construct an argument for a strategy to conserve, recycle, or reuse resources. (pdf)
SCI.EE.HS.ESS3-3 Analyze data to determine the effects of a conservation strategy on the level of a natural resource. (pdf)
SCI.EE.MS.PS1-2 Interpret and analyze data on the properties (e.g., color, texture, odor, and state of matter) of substances before and after chemical changes have occurred (e.g., burning sugar or burning steel wool, rust, effervescent tablets). (pdf)
SCI.EE.MS.PS2-2 Investigate and predict the change in motion of objects based on the forces acting on those objects. (pdf)
SCI.EE.MS.PS3-3 Test and refine a device (e.g., foam cup, insulated box, or thermos) to either minimize or maximize thermal energy transfer (e.g., keeping liquids hot or cold, preventing liquids from freezing, keeping hands warm in cold temperatures). (pdf)