All grade 3 English Language Arts EEs in one file (pdf)
All grade 3 Mathematics EEs in one file (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.3.1 Answer who and what questions to demonstrate understanding of details in a text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.3.2 Associate details with events in stories from diverse cultures. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.3.3 Identify the feelings of characters in a story. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.3.5 Determine the beginning, middle, and end of a familiar story with a logical order. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.3.1 Answer who and what questions to demonstrate understanding of details in a text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.3.2 Identify details in a text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.3.3 Order two events from a text as "first" and "next". (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.3.5 With guidance and support, use text features including headings and key words to locate information in a text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.3.4 Determine words and phrases that complete literal sentences in a text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.3.4 Determine words and phrases that complete literal sentences in a text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.3.8 Identify two related points the author makes in an informational text. (pdf)
ELA.EE.L.3.5.a Determine the literal meaning of words and phrases in context. (pdf)
ELA.EE.L.3.5.c Identify words that describe personal emotional states. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RL.3.9 Identify common elements in two stories in a series. (pdf)
ELA.EE.RI.3.9 Identify similarities between two texts on the same topic. (pdf)
ELA.EE.W.3.2.a Select a topic and write about it including one fact or detail. (pdf)
ELA.EE.W.3.4 With guidance and support produce writing that expresses more than one idea. (pdf)
M.EE.3.NBT.2 Demonstrate understanding of place value to tens. (pdf)
M.EE.3.NBT.3 Count by tens using models such as objects, base ten blocks, or money. (pdf)
M.EE.3.NF.1-3 Differentiate a fractional part from a whole. (pdf)
M.EE.3.OA.4 Solve addition and subtraction problems when result is unknown, limited to operands and results within 20. (pdf)
M.EE.3.G.2 Recognize that shapes can be partitioned into equal areas. (pdf)
M.EE.3.MD.1 Tell time to the hour on a digital clock. (pdf)
M.EE.3.MD.4 Measure length of objects using standard tools, such as rulers, yardsticks, and meter sticks. (pdf)
M.EE.3.MD.3 Use picture or bar graph data to answer questions about data. (pdf)
M.EE.3.OA.1-2 Use repeated addition to find the total number of objects and determine the sum. (pdf)
M.EE.3.OA.8 Solve one-step real world problems using addition or subtraction within 20. (pdf)
M.EE.3.OA.9 Identify arithmetic patterns. (pdf)