
Publication Type
Year Title Author Sort descending Type
2016 Making Science Accessible to Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Andersen, L. & Nash, B. L. Journal Article
2018 Articulating the Validity Evidence for a Science Alternate Assessment Andersen, L., Nash, B. L., & Bechard, S. Journal Article
2021 2020–2021 DLM Administration During COVID-19: Participation, Performance, and Educational Experience (pdf) ATLAS Technical Report
2019 Use of Evidence-Centered Design to Develop Learning Maps-Based Assessments Bechard, S., Clark, A. K., Swinburne Romine, R., Karvonen, M., Kingston, N. M., & Erickson, K. Journal Article
2021 Opportunities and Challenges of Applying Cognitive Process Dimensions to Map-Based Learning and Alternate Assessment Bechard, S., Karvonen, M., & Erickson, K. Journal Article
2019 2018-2019 Test Administration Observations (pdf) Beitling, B., Clark, A. K. Research Synposis
2019 Spring 2019 Teacher Survey (pdf) Beitling, B., Clark, A. K. Research Synopsis
2021 Characteristics of Students Who Take Dynamic Learning Maps® Alternate Assessments (pdf) Burnes, J. J. & Clark, A. K. Technical Report
2016 External Review during the 2015-2016 Academic Year (pdf) Clark, A. K., Beitling, B., Bell, B., & Karvonen, M. Technical Report
2020 Constructing and Evaluating a Validation Argument for a Next-Generation Alternate Assessment (pdf) Clark, A. K. & Karvonen, M. Journal Article
2021 Instructionally Embedded Assessment: Theory of Action for an Innovative System Clark, A. K. & Karvonen, M. Journal Article
2014 External Review during the 2013-14 Academic Year (pdf) Clark, A. K., Karvonen, M., & Swinburne Romine, R. Technical Report
2016 Field Test Summary of Findings (pdf) Clark, A. K., Karvonen, M., & Wells Moreaux, S. Technical Report
2021 Preliminary Summary of 2020–2021 Participation in DLM Assessments (pdf) Clark, A. K., Kavitsky, E., & Hoover, J. C. Project Brief
2021 Summary of 2020-2021 Student Performance on DLM Assessments (pdf) Clark, A. K., Kavitsky, E., Hoover, J. C., Karvonen, M. Project Brief
2014 Comparison of Attribute Coding Procedures for Retrofitting Cognitive Diagnostic Models (pdf) Clark, A. K. & Kingston, N. M. White Paper
2014 Summary of results from the fall 2013 pilot administration of the Dynamic Learning Maps® Alternate Assessment System (pdf) Clark, A. K., Kingston, N. M., Templin, J., & Pardos, Z. Technical Report
2022 Educator Perspectives on Instructionally Embedded Assessments (pdf) Clark, A. K, Kobrin, J. L., & Hirt., A. Research Synopsis
2023 Teacher Use of Diagnostic Score Reports for Instructional Decision-Making in the Subsequent Academic Year Clark, A. K., Kobrin, J. L., Karvonen, M., & Hirt, A. Journal Article
2022 Teacher Assessment Literacy: Implications for Diagnostic Assessment Systems (pdf) Clark, A. K., Nash, B. L., & Karvonen, M. Journal Article
2017 Condensed Mastery Profile Method for Setting Standards for Diagnostic Assessment Systems (pdf) Clark, A. K., Nash, B. L., Karvonen, M., & Kingston, N. M. Journal Article
2015 External Review during the 2014-15 Academic Year (pdf) Clark, A. K., Swinburne Romine, R., Bell, B., & Karvonen, M. Technical Report
2019 Instructionally Embedded Assessment: Patterns of Use and Outcomes (pdf) Clark, A. K., Thompson, W. J., & Karvonen, M. Technical Report
2021 The Impact of COVID-19: Validity Considerations and Scoring and Reporting in Flexible Scenarios (pdf) Clark, A. K., Thompson, W. J., Kobrin, J. L., Kavitsky, E., & Karvonen, M. Project Brief
2020 2019-20 Science Technical Manual Update Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2021 2020–21 Technical Manual Update – Year-End Model Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2021 2020–21 Technical Manual Update – Instructionally Embedded Model Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2021 2020-21 Science Technical Manual Update Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2022 2021–2022 Technical Manual – Instructionally Embedded Model Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2022 2021–2022 Technical Manual – Year-End Model Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2022 2021–22 Science Technical Manual Update Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2017 2016-17 Technical Manual Update – Year-End Model (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2020 2019–20 Technical Manual Update – Year-End Model Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2019 2018-19 Technical Manual Update – Year-End Model (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2019 2018-19 Science Technical Manual Update (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2018 2016-17 Science Technical Manual Update (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2018 2017-18 Technical Manual Update – Integrated Model (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2018 2017-18 Technical Manual Update – Year-End Model (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2018 2017-18 Science Technical Manual Update (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2017 2015-16 Technical Manual Update – Integrated Model (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2017 2015-16 Technical Manual Appendices – Integrated Model (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2017 2015-16 Technical Manual Update – Year-End Model (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2017 2015-16 Technical Manual Appendices – Year-End Model (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2017 2015-16 Science Technical Manual (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2017 2015-16 Science Technical Manual Appendices (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2017 2016-17 Technical Manual Update – Integrated Model (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2017 2016-17 Technical Manual Appendices – Integrated Model (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2020 2019–20 Technical Manual Update – Instructionally Embedded Model Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2017 2016-17 Technical Manual Appendices – Year-End Model (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2016 2014-15 Technical Manual - Integrated Model (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2016 2014-15 Technical Manual – Year-End (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2016 2014-15 Technical Manual Appendices - Integrated Model (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2016 2014-15 Technical Manual Appendices – Year-End (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2016 Individual Education Programs Based on the DLM Essential Elements (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Brief
2021 A Future of Opportunity (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Brief
2023 2022–2023 Technical Manual Update—Instructionally Embedded Model Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2023 2022–2023 Technical Manual Update—Year-End Model Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2023 2022–2023 Science Technical Manual Update Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2019 2018-19 Technical Manual Update – Integrated Model (pdf) Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium Technical Manual
2023 Parent Feedback on DLM Individual Student Score Reports (pdf) Gane, B. D., & Clark, A. K. Research Synopsis
2020 Aligned Academic Achievement Standards to Support Pursuit of Postsecondary Opportunities: Instructionally Embedded Model (pdf) Karvonen, M., Burnes, J. J., Clark, A. K., & Kavitsky, E. Technical Report
2019 Students With the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities Who Are Also English Learners Karvonen, M., Clark, A. K. Journal Article
2021 Approaches to Identification and Instruction for Students With Significant Cognitive Disabilities Who Are English Learners (pdf) Karvonen, M., Clark, A. K., Carlson, C., Wells-Moreaux, S., & Burnes, J. J. Journal Article
2022 Aligned Academic Achievement Standards to Support Pursuit of Postsecondary Opportunities: Year-End Model (pdf) Karvonen, M., Clark, A. K., & Kavitsky, E. Technical Report
2015 Standard Setting Technical Report Integrated Model (pdf) Karvonen, M., Clark, A. K., & Nash, B. L. Technical Report
2015 Standard Setting Technical Report Year End (pdf) Karvonen, M., Clark, A. K., & Nash, B. L. Technical Report
2021 Supporting Pursuit of Postsecondary Opportunities: Instructionally Embedded Model (pdf) Karvonen, M., Kavitsky, E., Burnes, J. J., & Clark, A. K. Research Synopsis
2024 Data to Inform Academic Instruction for Students with Extensive Support Needs: Availability, Use, and Perceptions (pdf) Karvonen, M., Ruhter, L., & Clark, A. K. Journal Article
2016 The Philosophical Underpinnings and Key Features of the Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessment Kingston, N. M., Karvonen, M., Bechard, S., & Erickson, K. Journal Article
2017 Fostering Inclusion of Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities by Using Learning Map Models and Map-Based Assessments Kingston, N. M., Karvonen, M., Thompson, W. J., Wehmeyer, M. L., & Shogren, K. A. Journal Article
2019 Year-End Model Use of Optional Instructionally Embedded Assessements: 2018-2019 (pdf) Kobrin, J. L. & Clark, A. K. Research Synopsis
2022 Exploring Educator Perspectives on Potential Accessibility Gaps in the Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessment (pdf) Kobrin, J. L., Clark, A. K., & Kavitsky, E. Research Synopsis
2022 Developing and Refining a Model for Measuring Implementation Fidelity for an Instructionally Embedded Assessment System Kobrin, J. L., Karvonen, M., Clark, A. K., & Thompson W. J. Journal Article
2020 Interim Report on Development and Revision of Essential Elements in Science for the Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessment System (pdf) Koebley, S., Swinburne Romine, R., McCann, M., & Glore, C. Technical Report
2016 Test Takers and the Validity of Score Interpretations Kopriva, R., Thurlow, M. L., Perie, M., Lazarus, S. L., & Clark, A. K. Journal Article
2016 Summary of the Science Development Process (pdf) Nash, B. L. & Bechard, S. Technical Report
2016 First Contact: A Census Report on the Characteristics of Students Eligible to Take Alternate Assessments (pdf) Nash, B. L., Clark, A. K., & Karvonen, M. Technical Report
2016 Standard Setting Technical Report Science (pdf) Nash, B. L., Clark, A. K., Karvonen, M., & Brussow, J. Technical Report
2019 Standard Setting Technical Report Science: Grades 3 and 7 (pdf) Nash, B. L., Kavitsky, E., & Clark, A. K. Technical Report
2020 Accessibility for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired (pdf) Nehler, C., Burnes, J. J., & Clark, A. K. Brief
2019 Teacher Rating of Student Mastery Study: Pilot (pdf) Nehler, C., Clark, A. K. Research Synopsis
2019 Considerations for Measuring Academic Growth on Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessments (pdf) Nehler, C., Clark, A. K., & Karvonen, M. White Paper
2019 Interviews with Teachers of Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities who are English Learners (pdf) Nehler, C., Clark, A. K., & Karvonen, M. Research Synopsis
2013 The Arc Parent Focus Groups DLM Final Report (pdf) Nitsch, C. Technical Report
2022 2020–2021 DLM Administration During COVID-19: Student Instruction and Assessment Experience (pdf) Richmond, A., Kavitsky, E., Clark, A. K., & Kobrin, J. L. Project Brief
2014 Text complexity in the Dynamic Learning Maps™ Alternate Assessment System (pdf) Schuster, J. & Erickson, K. White Paper
2016 Instructionally Embedded Assessments (pdf) Swinburne Romine, R. & Santamaria, L. Brief
2018 Assessing Model Fit for the Dynamic Learning Maps® Alternate Assessment Using a Bayesian Estimation (pdf) Thompson, W. J. Technical Report
2019 Bayesian Psychometrics for Diagnostic Assessments: A Proof of Concept (pdf) Thompson, W. J. Research Report
2020 Reliability for the Dynamic Learning Maps Assessments: A Comparison of Methods (pdf) Thompson, W. J. Technical Report
2021 Using Propensity Scores to Evaluate Changes in Cross-Year Performance Distributions (pdf) Thompson, W. J., and Hoover, J. C. Technical Report
2024 Improving Instructional Decision-Making Using Diagnostic Classification Models Thompson, W. J., & Clark, A. K. Journal Article
2019 Measuring the Reliability of Diagnostic Mastery Classifications at Multiple Levels of Reporting (pdf) Thompson, W. J., Clark, A. K., & Nash, B. L. Journal Article
2023 Using Simulated Retests to Estimate the Reliability of Diagnostic Assessment Systems (pdf) Thompson, W.J., Nash, B., Clark, A.K., & Hoover, J.C. Journal Article
2022 A Diagnostic Framework for the Empirical Evaluation of Learning Maps Thompson W. J., & Nash, B. L. Journal Article