Dynamic Learning Maps photos of kids with disabilities

Dynamic Learning Maps® Alternate Assessment

We provide an instructionally relevant assessment and report assessment results to help guide instruction.


Test Updates

October 10, 2024

New content has been added to the Educator Portal Help tab. The Help tab is a state-specific content screen which provides links to answers for frequently asked questions about topics related to using Educator Portal, including:

September 10, 2024

Before launching Kite® Student Portal, please ensure that the iPad has an established internet connection. A restart of the iPad and the quit password may be required if the application opens without a connection to the internet.  

DLM News

February 1, 2024

DLM Familiar Text lesson plans are now available for teachers to use during instruction. Each plan includes a familiar text and focuses on early symbolic communication. These plans help students identify objects, express personal preferences, and respond to “Yes” or “No” questions during shared reading. This is important for students who are completing DLM testlets at the Initial Precursor linkage level.

November 14, 2023

Tennessee has joined the DLM consortium as the seventh instructionally embedded state. With the addition of Tennessee, DLM alternate assessments serve students in 22 states. Tennessee students will take DLM assessments for English language arts and mathematics. District test coordinators and district facilitators have been trained, and the DLM Required Test Administrator Training course is open.

Member States

Looking for resources just for your state? Go to your state's page directly:

Does my state use the IE or YE model?

High Expectations for Student Success

This video outlines four keys to academic success for students with significant cognitive disabilities and highlights a few postsecondary opportunities for students taking the DLM alternate assessment. The contents of the video were developed from an ATLAS study on how DLM academic achievement standards prepare students to pursue postsecondary opportunities (pdf).

This video outlines four keys to academic success for students with significant cognitive disabilities and highlights a few postsecondary opportunities for students taking the DLM alternate assessment. The contents of the video were developed from an ATLAS study on how DLM academic achievement standards prepare students to pursue postsecondary opportunities (pdf).

Parents: Learn more about how to build high expectations for your child’s life after high school in A Future of Opportunity (pdf).