Instructionally Embedded (IE) Model
The IE model has two assessment windows, fall and spring. Educators have some choice as to which English language arts (ELA) and mathematics Essential Elements are taught and assessed. Scores for accountability are based on students’ cumulative ELA and mathematics assessment results throughout the year.
Year-End (YE) Model
The YE model has one spring assessment window. All students in a particular grade are assessed on the same ELA and mathematics Essential Elements. The Kite system delivers testlets one at a time and adapts the linkage level of each testlet based on the student's performance on the previous testlet. Additionally, educators have the option to use instructionally embedded assessments prior to the spring assessment. However, scores used for accountability are based only on the spring assessment.
Science Assessments
Most states opt to assess science in addition to ELA and mathematics. For both the IE and YE model, science assessments are only required in the spring. All students in a particular grade-band are assessed on the same science Essential Elements. The Kite system delivers testlets one at a time and adapts the linkage level of each testlet based on the student's performance on the previous testlet. Additionally, educators have the option to use instructionally embedded assessments prior to the spring assessment. However, scores used for accountability are based only on the spring assessment.