After a student completes the required number of testlets in a subject, the student may receive a field-test testlet. Field tests are critical to the production of high-quality operational assessments. Teachers administer field tests to evaluate item quality for the assessed linkage levels of Essential Elements. Items must be field tested before being included in the operational testlet pool.
In what grades and subjects will field testing occur?
- Grades 3–11 for English language arts
- Grades 3–11 for mathematics
- Grade bands in elementary, middle, and high school for science
- High school for states testing Biology
At what linkage level will the field-test testlets be delivered?
Field-test testlets are available for most linkage levels and Essential Elements. Depending on the state model, a field-test testlet will be delivered at the same linkage level, one level above, or one level below the level at which the student took their operational testlets for the Essential Element.
Where are field-test testlets administered?
Field-test testlets are in Student Portal, and students sign in using their credentials like operational testlets. Field tests are found in each subject‐specific tab. Field test results do not impact Individual Student Score Reports.
Does my student have to participate in field testing?
Participation is strongly encouraged in order to build the pool of available testlets for all students. The Educator Portal User Guide (pdf) provides steps for accessing field-test testlets and the associated TIPs.
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