This is a reminder for test administrators to prepare for the Dynamic Learning Maps® (DLM®) alternate assessment spring window for the 2024–2025 academic year. Test administrators must complete the steps in the following list before administering the assessment to students:
Test Updates
For states participating in the Instructionally Embedded model, the Dynamic Learning Maps® (DLM®) spring window opens on February 3, 2025. Please consult individual state pages on the DLM website for state-specific testing window dates.
DLM News
Did you know that ATLAS' own Karen Erickson is a lead editor & author of Readtopia? It is aligned with DLM Essential Elements in ELA and mathematics. You can request free units to try with your students.
DLM Familiar Text lesson plans are now available for teachers to use during instruction. Each plan includes a familiar text and focuses on early symbolic communication. These plans help students identify objects, express personal preferences, and respond to “Yes” or “No” questions during shared reading. This is important for students who are completing DLM testlets at the Initial Precursor linkage level.